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45 Heartfelt Veterans Day Quotes To Honor The Dedication Of Our Military Heroes

Veterans Day is dedicated to collectively honoring, remembering, and thanking the brave men and women who have protected our country.

Here, you’ll find 45 patriotic veterans day quotes – perfect for sharing if you are looking for a way to pay respect. Of course, it’s not only on Veterans Day that we can show our appreciation; so these messages and quotes about veterans can be used at any time to express your gratitude.

We hope you find comfort in the phrases we have collected about veterans and their bravery. If you love our work, consider sharing on social media!

Veterans Day Quotes

1. “Home of the free, because of the brave.” – Unknown

Veterans day quotes

2. To all the veterans out there, we salute you! Thank you for your service and sacrifice.” – Unknown

Veterans quotes

3. “The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.” – Jeff Miller

Veteran quote

4. “America’s veterans embody the ideals upon which America was founded more than 229 years ago.” – Steve Buyer

Veteran Day Quotes

5. “Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.” – Charles B. Rangel

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6. “Our veterans accepted the responsibility to defend America and uphold our values when duty called.”- Bill Shuster

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7. “America without her soldiers would be like God without his angels.” – Claudia Pemberton

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8. “On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” – Dan Lipinski

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9. “Fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor.” – Michael N. Castle

Honoring veterans quotes

10. “Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.” – Abraham Lincoln

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11. “For the veteran, thank you for bravely doing what you’re called to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do.” – Unknown

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12. “The highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country.” – George S. Patton Jr.

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13. “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” –Joseph Campbell

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14. “Their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored.” – Daniel Webster

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15. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

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16. “The hero is the man dedicated to the creation and/or defence of reality-conforming, life-promoting values.” – Andrew Bernstein

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17. “My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place — police, firefighters, and members of our armed forces.” – Sidney Sheldon

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18. “The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage.” – Thucydides

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19. “If you want to thank a soldier, be the kind of American worth fighting for” – Unknown

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20. “Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.” – Michel de Montaigne

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21. “America’s Veterans have served their country with the belief that democracy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world.” – John Doolittle

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22. “Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude.” – Harry S. Truman

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23. “For your bravery, hard work, and dedication to our country, we thank you.” – Unknown

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24. “To those in uniform serving today and to those who have served in the past, we honor you today and every day.” – Unknown

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25. “Here men endured that a nation might live.” – Herbert Hoover

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26. “The patriot’s blood is the seed of freedom’s tree.” – Thomas Campbell

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27. “In order to ensure proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all veterans, all veterans’ organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

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28. “This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis

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29. “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” – José Narosky

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30. “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” – Lee Greenwood

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31. “Never was so much owed by so many to so few.” – Winston Churchill

32. “Fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor.” – Michael N Castle

33. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

34. “It’s about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. It’s about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they’ve earned when they come home. It’s about serving all of you as well as you’ve served the United States of America.” – Barack Obama

35. “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” – Cynthia Ozick

36. “America must never forget your sacrifices.” – Unknown

37. “To all who have put their lives on the line in defense of the flat, thank you.” – Unknown

38. “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with lots of pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.” – Woodrow Wilson

39. “How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!” – Maya Angelou

40. “The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” – Patrick Henry

41. “War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” – Jimmy Carter

42. “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it… it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” – Unknown

43. “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.” – President George Washington

44. “Better than honor and glory, and History’s iron pen, Was the thought of duty done and the love of his fellow-men.” – Richard Watson Gilder

45. “The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.” – Abraham Lincoln