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Saturday Affirmations For A Brilliant Weekend Ahead

Whether you’ve had a brilliant week or not, Saturdays are always special and affirmations add that extra sparkle! Choose your favorite statements and repeat them out loud or write them down as many times as you can. In repeating these empowering affirmations, you will begin to feel inspired and uplifted!

Whether you’re off, or you work Saturdays, there is something for everyone!

Saturday Affirmations

50 Saturday affirmations list

1. Today is all about me, my time for me

2. Thank you for a beautiful Saturday

3. Today is going to be so bright and amazing

4. Saturday is a day for me to focus on myself

5. If I have to work today, it is still a perfect day

6. Saturday is a day for relaxation and peace

Saturday affirmations

7. I treat myself with kindness and compassion today

8. I release all stress and tension from the previous week

9. If I sleep in longer and laze all day, it is still perfect

10. Today is a beautiful day to chill out

11. I have so many creative ideas

12. I am making today count in whatever way I see fit

13. I choose to make healthy choices for myself today

14. Saturday is my day, for me to do whatever I need

15. I forgive any mistakes I have made this week

16. I have so many amazing ideas for today, and I have time for them all

17. I savor every moment of today and the weekend

Saturday motivating affirmations

18. I have so much enthusiasm for today, whatever I decide to do

19. I become closer to my truest self, every single day

20. I have a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul

21. Today is a perfect day to work towards my goals and dreams

22. My feelings deserve to be felt and acknowledged

23. Every moment is a new opportunity

24. Everybody around me cares about my wellbeing

25. Boundaries are important and I am safe to set them

26. I do not have to justify the time that I have allocated to spend just by myself

Saturday affirmation about time

27. I never give up on myself, even when I have an off day

28. People want to hear me and experience my gifts

29. I have so much value to bring to the world

30. I have learned so much this week and I am reflecting on it all

31. No matter the challenges of the week, I release them now and move forwards

32. I deserve ultimate relaxation

33. I am useful and productive

34. I do not have to follow the rules of others

Saturday affirmation about my rules

35. I treat my body and my mind with respect

36. I do not have to allow everybody into my personal space

37. It is safe for me to live in the fullest and truest expression of myself

38. I am open to new adventures and they await me

39. I give myself permission to have fun this weekend

40. It is safe for me to relax and enjoy my time off

Saturday affirmation about relaxing

41. I am hardworking, secure, and responsible

42. With each day that goes by, I get wiser and stronger

43. I provide safety and security for myself

44. I am excited about the fun that this weekend has in store for me

45. Today is a perfect weekend to make memories with my loved ones

46. Laughter is my birthright

47. I put myself first, I love myself, I trust myself

48. I feel energized, refreshed, and healthy

49. Today is a perfect day for spontaneity

Saturday affirmation about spontaneity

50. I am stepping into my ultimate power